19 Objekte
(RM) 41566110
Der Schweizer Wissenschaftler Auguste Piccard, links, und der belgische Ingenieur Paul Kipfer, rechts, posieren am 31. Mai 1931 nach der Rueckkehr von ihrem ersten Ballonflug in die Stratosphaere, mit dem Schweizer Flugpionier Walter Mittelholzer, Mitte, beim Gurgl-Gletscher im Tirol, wo der Ballon gelandet ist. Bei ihrem Flug in die Stratosphaere stellten Piccard und Kipfer einen Hoehenrekord auf. (KEYSTONE/IBA-ARCHIV/Str) Swiss scientist Auguste Piccard, left, and Belgian engineer Paul Kipfer, right, pose with Swiss flying pioneer Walter Mittelholzer, center, after the landing from the balloon flight to the stratosphere, pictured on the Gurgl glacier in the Tirol, Italy, on May 31, 1931. Piccard and Kipfer reached on their record flight an altitude of 15'785 m on May 27, 1931. Auguste Piccard (1884-1962) was a physicist, inventor and explorer. An interest in ballooning and a curiosity about the upper atmosphere led him to design and construct a spherical, pressurized aluminum gondola which would allow him to ascend to great altitude without requiring a pressure suit in 1930. Piccard and a Belgian physicist made a second record-breaking ascent to 16'200 m on August 18, 1932. In the mid-1930s, Piccard's interests shifted when he realized that a modification of some of his atmospheric balloon concepts would allow to descend into the deep ocean and he designed a small steel gondola to withstand great external pressure. Piccard and his son built the improved Bathyscaphe Trieste in 1953. (KEYSTONE/IBA-ARCHIV/Str)
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