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(RM) 560427184
Riga, Lettland. Das alle 5 Jahre stattfindende Lettische Liederfest und Volkstanzfest. Mehr als 35000 Akteure aus Lettland und den anderen baltischen Laendern treffen sich in der lettischen Hauptstadt. Traditioneller Festumzug durch Riga. Der Dom zu Riga auf dem Domplatz, Doma laukums in der Altstadt. ...Engl.: Riga, Latvia. The Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival. Choirs, dance groups and other folk groups from all over the country come together every 5 years in Riga to celebrate, dance and sing. Traditional parade through the city of Riga. Old Town with the Riga Cathedral at the Cathedral Square. Baltic States, Baltics, East Europe, Eastern Europe, Europe, Exterior, Latvia, Latvian, Latvian Festival, Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Celebration, Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival, Latvian celebration, Latvians, Riga, The Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival, UNESCO intangible cultural heritage, celebrate, celebration, choir, choirs, choruses, costume, costumes, custom, cultural, culture, custom, dance, dance companies, dance festival, dance group, dance groups, dancer, dancers, dancing, ethnographic, event, feastful, festival, festive, folk, huge event, music, national costume group, national costume groups, national identity, parade, people, people in costumes, singer, singers, song, song festival, traditional, traditional costume, traditional costumes, traditional dress, traditional dresses, world travel (KEYSTONE/LAIF/Peter Hirth)
(RM) 560426543
Riga, Lettland. Das alle 5 Jahre stattfindende Lettische Liederfest und Volkstanzfest. Mehr als 35000 Akteure aus Lettland und den anderen baltischen Laendern treffen sich in der lettischen Hauptstadt. Traditioneller Festumzug durch Riga. Der Dom zu Riga auf dem Domplatz, Doma laukums in der Altstadt. ...Engl.: Riga, Latvia. The Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival. Choirs, dance groups and other folk groups from all over the country come together every 5 years in Riga to celebrate, dance and sing. Traditional parade through the city of Riga. Old Town with the Riga Cathedral at the Cathedral Square. Baltic States, Baltics, East Europe, Eastern Europe, Europe, Exterior, Latvia, Latvian, Latvian Festival, Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Celebration, Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival, Latvian celebration, Latvians, Riga, The Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival, UNESCO intangible cultural heritage, celebrate, celebration, choir, choirs, choruses, costume, costumes, custom, cultural, culture, custom, dance, dance companies, dance festival, dance group, dance groups, dancer, dancers, dancing, ethnographic, event, feastful, festival, festive, folk, huge event, music, national costume group, national costume groups, national identity, parade, people, people in costumes, singer, singers, song, song festival, traditional, traditional costume, traditional costumes, traditional dress, traditional dresses, world travel (KEYSTONE/LAIF/Peter Hirth)
(RM) 560426272
Riga, Lettland. Das alle 5 Jahre stattfindende Lettische Liederfest und Volkstanzfest. Mehr als 35000 Akteure aus Lettland und den anderen baltischen Laendern treffen sich in der lettischen Hauptstadt. Abschluss des Festumzuges durch Riga im Skonto Stadion. Teilnehmer machen ein Selfie....Engl.: Riga, Latvia. The Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival. Choirs, dance groups and other folk groups from all over the country come together every 5 years in Riga to celebrate, dance and sing. End of the traditional parade through the city of Riga at Skonto stadium. People take photo. Baltic States, Baltics, East Europe, Eastern Europe, Europe, Exterior, Latvia, Latvian, Latvian Festival, Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Celebration, Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival, Latvian celebration, Latvians, Riga, The Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival, UNESCO intangible cultural heritage, celebrate, celebration, choir, choirs, choruses, costume, costumes, crowd, cultural, culture, custom, dance, dance companies, dance festival, dance group, dance groups, dancer, dancers, dancing, ethnographic, event, feastful, festival, festive, folk, huge event, mass, mass of people, music, national costume group, national costume groups, national identity, people, people in costumes, photo, singer, singers, song, song festival, traditional, traditional costume, traditional costumes, traditional dress, traditional dresses, world travel (KEYSTONE/LAIF/Peter Hirth)
(RM) 309121672
SINGAPUR, 24. Januar 2016. Trommler und Zuschauer begleiten im Sri Srinivasa Perumal Tempel in der Serangoon Road die Vorbereitungen auf das Thaipusam-Fest. Die anschliessende Prozession fuehrt vom Stadtteil Little India bis zum 4 Kilometer entfernten Sri Thendayuthapani Tempel in der Tank Road. Thaipusam ist ein besonders von der tamilischen Gemeinde gefeiertes Hindu-Fest und gedenkt hauptsaechlich dem Geburtstag von Gott Murugan, dem juengsten Sohn von Shiva und Parvati. Waehrend der Prozession tragen viele der maennlichen Anhaenger einen sogenannten Kavadi, welcher mit Haken und Spiessen durch die Haut an verschiedenen Koerperteilen wie Ruecken und Brust gepierct ist. Die Piercings sind Symbole fuer beantwortete und in Erfuellung gegangene Gebete. SINGAPORE, January 24, 2016. Percussionists and spectators accompany the preparations for the Thaipusam festival at the Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple on Serangoon Road. The following 4 kilometer long procession leads from Little India to the Sri Thendayuthapani Temple on Tank Road. Thaipusam is a Hindu festival where devotees honour the birthday of Lord Murugan who is the youngest son of Shiva and Parvati. It is celebrated mostly by the Tamil community. During the procession many male devotees carry a so-called Kavadi which is pierced through parts of their body such as the back and chest by hooks and skewers. The piercings symbolize answered and fulfilled prayers. (KEYSTONE/SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG PHOTO/OLAF SCHUELKE)
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