41 Objekte
(RM) 33535451
Die Preistraeger vom "Prix Caran d'Ache Beaux-Arts 1989" Peter Fischli (mit Sohn Fredy, mitte links) und David Weiss (mitte rechts), umgeben vom bekannten Schweizer Kuenstler Hans Erni (Links) und dem Tessiner Architekten Mario Botta (rechts), aufgenommen am 30. Mai 1989. Fischli und Weiss haben eine ganze Palette verschiedenster Werke geschaffen, von kleinsten Knetfiguren ueber Filme und Fotografien bis hin zu riesigen Assemblagen. Erstmals ist am Montag der "Prix Caran d'Ache Beaux-Arts 1989" verliehen worden. Der mit 40'000 Franken dotierte Preis wurde aus Anlass des 65-jaehrigen Bestehens des Unternehmens gestiftet. Mit dem Preis soll das Schaffen von Kuenstlern einem breiteren Publikum zugaenglich gemacht werden, die bislang erst im Kreis von Fachleuten Anerkennung finden konnten. (KEYSTONE/ Martin Ruetschi) The prizewinners of the "Prix Caran d'Ache Beaux-Arts 1989" Peter Fischli (with son Fredy, middle left) and David Weiss (middle right), surrounded by the famous Swiss artist Hans Erni (left) and the Ticino architect Mario Botta (right), taken on 30th May 1989. Fischli and Weiss created a whole range of different works, from the smallest clay figures to films and photographs to huge assemblages. The "Prix Caran d'Ache Beaux-Arts 1989" was awarded for the first time on Monday. The prize, endowed with 40,000 Swiss francs, was donated on the occasion of the company's 65th anniversary. The prize is intended to make the work of artists accessible to a wider public who have so far only been able to gain recognition among experts. (KEYSTONE/ Martin Ruetschi) The prizewinners of the "Prix Caran d'Ache Beaux-Arts 1989" Peter Fischli (with son Fredy, middle left) and David Weiss (middle right), surrounded by the famous Swiss artist Hans Erni (left) and the Ticino architect Mario Botta (right), taken on 30th May 1989. Fischli and Weiss created a whole range of different works, from the smallest clay figures to films and photographs to huge assemblages. The "Prix Caran d'Ache Beaux-Arts 1989" was awarded for the first time on Monday. The prize, endowed with 40,000 Swiss francs, was donated on the occasion of the company's 65th anniversary. The prize is intended to make the work of artists accessible to a wider public who have so far only been able to gain recognition among experts. (KEYSTONE/ Martin Ruetschi)
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