Prayers from Guantanamo by Ola Torkelsson (Kontinent)
Suicide is forbidden in Guantanamo - including starving yourself to death. Therefore America's armed forces force-feed hunger-striking prisoners with tubes through the nose, in contravention of medical ethics guidelines. After more than eleven years' imprisonment, many of the 166 prisoners have stopped believing that they will leave the camp alive. This was the second visit to the naval base and the detention camps at Guantanamo by Ola Torkelsson. He first visited the base in January 2009 When Barack Obama was installed as President of the United States. Obama's first act as President was to sign Executive Order 13492 - "Review and Disposition of Individuals Detained at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and Closure of Detention Facilities" with the ambition to close the prisons for good. Since then, prisoners have been transferred to third-party countries but the prisons are still up and running, holding 166 prisoners from 23 countries. During the spring and summer of 2013, a number of prisoners have gone on hunger strike. The hunger strikers are being force-fed with tubes through the nose, in contravention of medical ethnic guidelines. When Ola Torkelsson visited Guantanamo in July, the holy month of Ramadan had just begun so the force-feeding took place at night or early morning before the sun rose to respect the prisoners' religious beliefs. (kon)
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